COVID-19 Docking Server

A web server for docking small molecule, peptide or antibody to COVID-19 protein targets.

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Additional Notes

Welcome to use the updated version of COVID-19 docking server. The latest structures of targets, as well as the structures of variants are implemented in the new server:

For small molecule docking, no metal ions, free ions or salt form should be included in the upload files. Or it will cause the failure of the jobs.

Do not submit the peptide molecules to the small molecule docking section. It will take a lot of computational time and no proper results will be generated due to the limitation of small molecule docking precedure.

Small Molecules


Peptide or Antibody



The web server is provided free of charge to the public without warranty. By using this tool, the users acknowledge the fact that the developing team shall not be liable for any of loss or damages caused by the usage of any information obtained from this website.

Current version: 2020     Visit count: 1415521
Institute of Bioinformatics and Medical Engineering &
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